MIYAYOSHI No.23 甘みの強さ 3
2025年2月25日 数量限定発売予定。
11年の思考錯誤を経て、MIYAYOSHI梅酒の最高峰が完成しました。ナンバリングは23です。MIYAYOSHI No.23は材料にとことんこだわり完成させました。生産量には限界があるため数量限定で2025年2月に発売予定です。他にはない唯一無二の本格梅酒を是非ご賞味下さい。
MIYAYOSHI No.23 Sweetness strength 3
A new type of plum wine that perfectly harmonizes the freshness of TUYUAKANE
with lemon, the bitterness of gin, and the sweetness of honey.
A limited number of bottles will be released in December.
After 11 years of trial and error, the pinnacle of MIYAYOSHI plum wine
has been completed. It is numbered 23. MIYAYOSHI No. 23 was completed with
the utmost attention to the ingredients. Due to limited production, it
is scheduled to be released in February 2025 in limited quantities. Please
enjoy the one and only authentic plum wine you won't find anywhere else.
■宮好直販得点 化粧箱無料
■Miyayoshi direct sales score Free cosmetic box
Compared to traditional plums, Tsuyuakane is rich in functional ingredients
such as anthocyanins, and turns deep red when soaked in sake. The plum
liqueur, which is carefully made one by one by hand using a unique recipe
from Tsuyukane, is characterized by its bright red color and refreshing
acidity, which comes only from the Tsuyuakane fruit.