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Pursue the best .

"Put smiles on people's faces through plums." That is our wish. Every day, we think about how to make the most delicious sake. We hope that the people who drink the sake we make will smile, and we will continue to pursue our goal of providing the best sake.


It all started when a farmer I know introduced me to a new variety of plum. I still vividly remember the excitement I felt when I made homemade plum wine from the plums I received and drank it. People experience a variety of emotions. The emotion of seeing something beautiful, the emotion of tasting or receiving something delicious, the emotion of seeing someone happy. I wanted to spread such emotions to the world. I wanted to make people smile with such emotions. For the past 10 years, I have been working hard to grow plums and research the production of plum wine. After 10 years of trial and error, the plums that were saplings have grown, and we have completed a recipe for a liqueur that we can serve to everyone. I hope that everyone will try this plum liqueur and smile a little. All of our employees will continue to work hard to make our sake so that as many customers as possible will say, "Miyayoshi's sake was delicious." We look forward to your continued support and patronage.

Miyayoshi inc.
Representative Director Yoshifumi Sumida


Company Profile


Miyayoshi Inc.

Yoshifumi Sumida

282 Takigahara, Miyahara town, Arida City,
Wakayama pref, 649-0435, Japan




Business Production of plums such as "Tsuyu Akane".
Manufacture and sales of liqueurs using plums such as "Tsuyu Akane".

                                Red liqueur                    View more →

                                               About the red liqueur made with "Tsuyuakane"


Online Shop


We sell plum liqueur made with "Tsuyuakane". If you have any questions, please contact us from here.

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Pursue the best.

"Put smiles on people's faces through plums." That is our wish. Every day, we think about how to make the most delicious sake. We hope that the people who drink the sake we make will smile, and we will continue to pursue our goal of providing the best sake.


It all started when a farmer I know introduced me to a new variety of plum. I still vividly remember the excitement I felt when I made homemade plum wine from the plums I received and drank it. People experience a variety of emotions. The emotion of seeing something beautiful, the emotion of tasting or receiving something delicious, the emotion of seeing someone happy. I wanted to spread such emotions to the world. I wanted to make people smile with such emotions. For the past 10 years, I have been working hard to grow plums and research the production of plum wine. After 10 years of trial and error, the plums that were saplings have grown, and we have completed a recipe for a liqueur that we can serve to everyone. I hope that everyone will try this plum liqueur and smile a little. All of our employees will continue to work hard to make our sake so that as many customers as possible will say, "Miyayoshi's sake was delicious." We look forward to your continued support and patronage.

Miyayoshi inc.
Representative Director Yoshifumi Sumida

Company Profile


Miyayoshi Inc.


Yoshifumi Sumida


282 Takigahara, Miyahara town, Arida City, Wakayama pref, 649-0435, Japan





E-mai l



・Production of plums such as "Tsuyu Akane".
Manufacture and sales of liqueurs using plums such as "Tsuyu Akane".

SAKE with Plums

About the red plum wine using "Tsuyu Akane". 


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Online shop

We sell plum liqueur made with "Tsuyuakane".


Go to Online Shop →




If you have any questions, please contact us from here.


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Under 20 years of age drinking is prohibited by law.



SAKE with Plums




Online Shopt


Under 20 years of age drinking is prohibited by law.